Spicy Micro Mix



Flavor Our Spicy Micro Mix is a red & green mix of mustards including wasabi
Health Benefits • Detoxifies Your Liver & Blood
• Helps Lower Cholesterol
• Good for Skin & Eye Health
• High in: Fiber, Bone-Building Vitamin K, Immune-Boosting Vitamin C
Pairs Well With Cook-out Items + Avocado Toast
Grow Time 21 Days


How to Care for your Microgreens

  • Your microgreens are ready to enjoy now and will last about 10 days in the tray cutting as you go
  • Add a little water to the bottom of the tray each day
  • After about 10 days cut the unused portion and put that in a sealed container in the fridge
  • The cut microgreens will last another 10 days in the fridge in the sealed container

What are Microgreens?

  • Microgreens are herbs and vegetables, just the smaller version of the larger plant. They are the same seeds as the larger plants but are harvested or used just after their first leaves are formed.
  • They are known for their high nutritional value and intense flavor.
  • Microgreens goes great with: Salads, eggs, potatoes, avocado
    toast, pasta, sandwiches and so much more!

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